Why Specialised Grief Counselling?

Many generalist Psychologists and Counsellors offer Grief Counselling as part of their portfolio of services. Whilst this can still be beneficial for people seeking help, Grief and Loss therapy is itself a dedicated field, much like Drug and Alcohol Counselling or Financial Counselling. Each type of counselling employs different strategies and techniques which are used throughout the counselling process. As a trained Grief and Loss Counsellor and End of Loss Counsellor, I am able to design and incorporate specialised programs and interventions for your needs.

At One More Day Counselling we understand that every person’s experience with grief and loss needs the opportunity to be expressed and recognised. How we grieve, like our relationships with others, takes many forms and dimensions. We are all different, therefore our grief will also be an individualised experience. There is no right way or one time line to experience grief and loss. Mostly society recognises loss, but often grief can be misunderstood or minimised when relationships have been unknown, invalidated or not acknowledged, or how a person has died is not as understood or accepted in society. We respect everybody impacted by loss or facing the end of their life, by providing individualised support with compassion, empathy and thoughtful consideration.

What happens at the Initial session?

The first session is slightly longer than a regular counselling session. We use this time to explain the counselling process, confidentiality and what other grief experiences you have had in the past. You are invited to share your story of grief and loss. We discuss what it is that you would like to get out of counselling and the ways you can be best supported. Many people often find that this initial session provides relief, just to be able to share their story to an independent, non-judgemental listener.

How many sessions are required?

It is up to you how many counselling sessions you feel that you need. There is no right time line on grief. Every person’s grief experience is unique. At each session, we will discuss how you feel, and whether more sessions are required. You are in control of your counselling journey, and have the right to stop counselling when you feel that you are ready to do so.

“Crying is how your heart speaks when words can’t explain the pain.” – Unknown

Simone And Companion